My Showerthoughts

Do humans truly have no limits or do we limit ourselves?

MOM is an acronym for Mother of mine/ Motger of me

No one has actually heard what a dinosaur really sounds like.

Maybe, God just has a very dark sense of humor & we all take it too seriously.

One of the most satisfying and underrated feeling is the one where the song ends right when you pull up into a parking spot.

The word 'the' is weird

How does a blind man know when to stop wiping his ass?

If autocorrect started intentionally misspelling words, how long would it take mess up how we spell everithing?

It's been a really long time since I've thought anything interesting in the shower...

There should be option on Instagram where the users can look up what comments they have liked in the past

They should design cat beds to resemble keyboards and their toys like assorted bottle caps, pens, twist ties, etc.

You need other letters to say the name of a letter. W = doubleyou

Saying "I want to be there for your funeral" is both sincere and sinister.

Doll face is a strange thing to call a woman. Kind of a not so subtle way of saying, "I want to play with you."

Generally, the more of an expert you are in a field, the more trustworthy you are in regards to said field. Unless it's politics.

Maybe time travellers are just not interested in our time period.

What would happen if someone was smart in a horror movie?

Adrenaline better counteract sleepy legs, otherwise Redditors are totally screwed if the zombie apocalypse begins while we're on the toilet.

Kindness is like common sense. It should be common yet it is rarely seen.

Some company should collect the space junk and sell it. I think it would be cool to have a piece of some old rocket or something and it would clean up the ‘Hill sphere’

I just want 2 people with double-barrelled surnames to get married and quadruple-barrel their names

How'd the guy who made the first clock know what time it was?

Hot wheels gave me an unrealistic expectation for every day cars.

Where do squirrels go during hurricanes?

Canada is a victim of Thanos' Gauntlet and slowly disintegrating right now.

Why do they call it "well done" if people don't like their steak that way?

I wonder what all the ghosts that haunt places will do when the sun eventually engulfs and destroys the earth.

Children are taught from an early age that socialism is correct when they repeat the phrase "sharing is caring"

An exhaustive joke in the workforce is when someone says, after you get lunch, "hey, why didnt you get me anything?" Its not funny, it never was funny, stop saying it.

The band Lobo predicted the coming of Indianapolis 500 winner Will Power in their 1971 song "Me and You and a Dog Named Boo."

You say I have a birthmark, I say I'm a calico.

With all my contacts synced to the cloud these days, I cannot ever use the "new phone, who's this?" excuse anymore.

What if ants and other small creatures of nature think we are aliens or some kind of mega creature hell bent on wiping them out. We would never even know because we don't speak ant

Is almond boneless chicken the original chicken nugget?

If you say “The next sentence I say will be ironic”, no matter what you say it will be ironic

What if whenever you die, you will wake up and find out that your whole entire existence up to that point was just a dream. A very very long one...

I don't think anyone who has ever said they will leave no stone unturned, has ever really pulled through.

I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad.. But the dreams in which I'm flying are the best I've ever had

If a complete stranger ever approaches me in a state of panic and asks me what the date is, I’ll be sure to include the year.

I always encourage people to follow their dreams. Not because I believe in them, but because if they succeed, I can be the person that knows someone famous.

I don't want to sit in a racing seat when I'm not in a racing car. I don't even want to sit in one when I am in a racing car. They're like the least comfortable seats out of all seats.

I finally understand why some farts are resonant while others are muted

YOLO should actually be a warning, urging people to take extreme caution

With all the things happening in the world, If god made us in his image how messed up is he?

What is death?

we can fall fall asleep and not realize it so imagine what death might feel like?

What is so WEE about Weehawken?

I wonder if there's a video game out there where your character's nipples get hard in cold locations.

I wonder how much an original work by Bob Ross that was created on camera will sell for in 100 years from now.

We should treat menstruation kinda like we treat pooping. It's a bit disgusting and inconvenient, but it happens and we should make it as easy as possible to deal with.

Can you shorten “uh oh spaghetti oh” to “uh spaghetti” ?

Wonder if the next election slogan will be Make America Get Me a Coke Again

President Trump is an anagram for Mr Putin's Red Pet

How Do I Make A Subreddit?

When I'm riding my bicycle and avoiding broken glass on the road I feel like I'm dodging a meteor field in the millennium falcon..

Everything you like is probably prohibited by at least one religion somewhere out there.

Maybe all of humanity is just the seventh day and god is still resting.

“It was a hacker” is this generations version of “my controller is not working”.

I never see Animals stretch off or warm up yet they never get injured running around.

I ask rocks :whould you like to change to human ,They answered : We haven't became rocks yet , that to change to human ...

Inflation considered, Barenaked ladies are going to have to change their song "if I had a million dollars" to "if I had a billion dollars" or one day the song wont make any sense.

Technically, we should be making New Years resolutions on our birthdays.

What if you had had Ben 10 watch and your crush touched it. Couldnt you technically turn into your crush and see yourself nude

There are probably a lot of “missing socks” that are cum socks going through the wash

I'm going to pay for premium porn now. Because I don't always wanna watch the poor lady being rammed up the walls outta nowhere. Sometimes I just wanna see how she got there.

Shouldn't a childs first word be their name, after all it's what they hear the most?!

Do people with bad eye have lower self-esteem because they never catch people checking them out?

As a child I thought that I would need to use a credit card to open a locked door on a regular basis.

Does the Human Eye Transmit Bio-Photonic intelligence

Not sure why they can't figure out how when you press on a screen 'Next picture' it should stay on the same spot without having to move the mouse

No characters in action movies who wash off blood in the shower seem to use shampoo or conditioner

The thought that one of these swipe rights might be my wife..

The letter “I” and “H” are the same but rotated

Maybe the reason people tend to surround themselves online with like minded individuals is because of how mean some people are when you disagree with them.

I spent more time thinking this title than on my hw for senior year of high school

I feel like there are only 500-1000 face types and everyone in the world has a variation on one of those face types.

Driving through an orange light, (yellow that turns red) I always let out a sigh of relief and feel vindicated when I look in my rear view mirror to see another car or two behind me.

The guy who thought of what to call shower thought probably came up with it in the shower

John Lennon has sold more CDs than anyone else and he didn’t even know what a CD was

In the year 2100 are we going to write the date 7/29/00 or 7/29/100?

If feet are just floor hands, does that make hands just sky feet?

The West has won the Cold War because it was effectively more socialist than the Communist Bloc, despite the names.

Showerthoughts has become people making nonsensical comparisons for the sake of what they think is wisdom and entertainment

If you race you’re a racist

We call it sawdust even though the wood is the object making the mess

My thoughts on climate change are the same as my thoughts on my own mortality

You would never be able to patent a time machine without the risk of someone going back in time further and patenting it again.

Given how much time people claim to spend on Reddit, I find it unlikely that a lot of them don't browse /new.

To part means to move away from something or leave. But a party is the opposite, where people come together and get along with one another.

I wonder how many Imams have sex with minors; and if it's proportional to Catholic Priests.

Lawmakers who are against the legalization of recreational/medicinal marijuana have obviously never tried weed or benefited from the effects of weed.

You wouldn’t know if you were talking to somebody hanging upside down with his also microphone upside down because they would sound right side up

Everytime you clean your dryer vent, your clothes die a little bit

Dollar stores can only get worse over time due to rising inflation

Carrots almost sounds like cock roots

The closest I come to playing God is hitting the "walk" button on an intersection that rarely turns red

Did people have to come together and choose the official toilet paper width? Obviously thickness varies but every roll I’ve ever seen is the same width.

Are people from Connecticut called Connecticutters?

A great way to combat childhood obesity would be to pass a law requiring ice cream trucks to drive twice as fast.

if pi is an infinite number, then converting pi to binary means you'd have the raw data for literally everything that exists.

I hate it when someone does something nice for you then acts if you are in debt to them or owe them something. It defeats the purpose of a good deed, if you’re only doing it for something in return.

Watching show clips on YouTube instead of watching the show itself is the adult equivalent of watching a streamer play a videogame instead of playing it yourself.

What if aliens think that all humans go to heaven like we think of dogs

We need an international organization similar to the UN or NATO to defend countries from climate change related disasters.

The counters in women’s public bathrooms must be really dry

The phrase “mommy, watch this” is the 5 year old’s equivalent of “Hold my beer.”

At a point in the future, everyone will have identical last names

Many pictures of people finding their doppelgängers are probably twins that someone lied about.

Its interesting to think that a highly controversial political post with a large amount of people viewing it would likely lead to it having close to no likes or dislikes

Shouldn't salt and vinegar chips just be called vinegar since there is so much salt on original flavour to begin with?


MexicanShowerthought: Millions of people don’t know how to eat with tortillas.

Much of religion can be seen as our subconscious biological needs manifesting themselves culturally (i.e. Catholicism’s anti-gay policies)

is the s or c in scent silent

Somebody somewhere probably thinks telephone poles are to blame for the world’s problems.

The fact that my watching of a porn actor having sex with another person while i watch, in turn, perpetuating them to do it again makes me the biggest cuk of them all

Isn’t it weird how the voices in your head speak at difference volumes?

You wouldn’t know if you were talking to a person that was upside down with a microphone also upside down because he/she would sound right side up

With Reddit's new scrolling format, every page is the 'front page'.

Getting an iOS announcement months before the official release is like getting a gift announcement on Christmas eve but only getting your presents in February, takes away the novelty

Multiple Cheese its should be called cheese them's

Generations from now, people may use the term "voted off the island" as an expression meaning throwing someone under the bus, and not know it came from the Survivor TV show.

Most people on showerthoughts are desperately trying to come up with a good showerthought

They dislike me and love him.

Reddit has a built in anti-bullying feature in the upvotes system

The letter W is pronounced double U. And it is made up if two U’s.

Do cats and other small animals feel a gravitational pull similar to what we feel when riding in an elevator, each time we pick them up?

What if the Animal/Human with the biological mutation of immortality was already born, but got hunted down/killed in a war?

The people must of came together at some point in time and decided on the official width of TP

-The mistakes I make today will keep future me awake at night.

The phrases "I'm up for it" and "Im down for it" mean the same thing.

Banana bread should be called “I bought too many bananas” bread

When did the word ‘literally’ creep it’s way into every sentence?

The equivalent of Jesus today is probally some high dude with a beard.

Why does it suck being tall? Because when you drop something it has more of a chance to break.

There is a growing body of colloquial literature on emojis that could evolve into a rich, visual language sometime in the future.

Now that Toys R Us is gone Amazon should release a Christmas magazine of toys. Cause now I don’t know how I’m going to get my kids to pick out what they want for Christmas.

Refried beans are just Mexican hummus

Out of all the times I've been sunburned I cannot recall a time when my nipples have been burned.

Global warming is technically making everyone hotter

Where are all the redditors if there is a 1 in 365 chance that they have a cake day?

I can type with my eyes closed near flawlessly but I can’t draw, from memory, the keyboard key layout.

Glass is a really fantastic material, and I get why birds fly into windows.

If black wasn't a color, would colored people be called "dark white?"

If in a man UFC fight have ring girls, UFC womans fight should have a ring boys.

If more people were confident and positive about explaining things, they'd preface with "Please get me right."

If someone rates decor, are they a decor-rater?

Mermaids are mysterious creatures. We dont even know if it lays eggs or give birth.

If Trump forgave all student loans, public opinion of him would dramatically change in an instant.

If more people were confident and positive about explaining things, they'd preface with "Please get me right."

Future Generations will most likely not understand the difference between "xD", "XD" & "xd" since they will only be using emojis

Super villians would be alot more successful if they attacked literally else besides new york

What if all spontaneous human combustion cases were just vampires being exposed to light somehow.

Why isnt October the eighth month?

If you mind-fuck yourself does that make it mind masturbation?

Mermaids are a mysterious creature.. We dont even know how it gives birth.

When you drink alcohol you are just borrowing happiness from tomorrow

Moissanite would be a lot more marketable if it had a sexy name that didn't sound like "moist".

Dollar stores can only sell worse and worse stuff due to rising inflation.

Each letter in the logo for Netflix’s ROTTEN represents the theme of one episode

Doesn’t hiding downvoted comments make you want to see what’s been hidden ? Kinda Streisand effect?

Imagine all left-handed people had to read and write

I can type entire sentences with my eyes closed, yet if you gave me a piece of paper with a keyboard drawn on it, I probably wouldn't be able to fill in which keys would go where.

Will cultural appropriation turn freshmen into freshpeople? Would a singular freshman be called a freshperson?

I’ve never been in an elevator that actually had elevator music.

Most basic laws that are shared by countries around the world are there because of religion becoming the norm a long time ago.

The word crisp is pronounced with the back of your mouth and eventually moves to the front.

Shower thoughts should be called stoner thoughts. Cause Kenny man.

By the time you finish reading this, you are closer to your death

When I dont know the time frame of a movie the phones people use in it usually give it away with very good accuracy to the exact year the movie is placed in

If you start to scratch my back, you end up chasing a scratch around my back until you are inevitably scratch a place I can reach myself.

Female colleagues of mine gawked over handsome, sexy (their word) male middle school students. I chuckled along with other male teachers in the same room. I don't think they will react the same If I gawked over cute, sexy (mine word) female middle school students.

Many people have some form of audio equipment connected to their TV. As such someone should create a network that focuses on music and music videos.

If suicide was illegal, no one would kill them self

Buying is exchanging paper for things, and that same paper is used in the same way for as long as the bill exists, its always gonna maintain the same value.

Imagine if aliens far away know of our existance but can't make us know in any way or come here

Seems like Netflix would have produced a show called 'Netflix & Chill' by now

I don’t trust FedEx. They couldn’t get Tom Hanks home on time, how are they going to keep track of my meaningless edible underwear purchase?

“Young love” is the definition of a word you don’t have in your dictionary.

There should be a tinder style app for applying for jobs. All your info is already uploaded, along with your resume and any other documents. You swipe right to apply, and all the info is loaded into the application. Swipe left and you can skip to the next job posting.

When you step on sand, it is like an avalanche for ants?

It would be funny if the male equivalent of a Gynecologist (the closest thing would be a urologist) were called a Guy-necologist.

We call nail clippers differently based on what they’re about to be used for a lot of the time. E.g. If someone asks for the “toe nail clippers” you know some toe nails are about to be clipped

Today, someone may post a tweet that will keep them from being president 40 years from now

Mankind created noodles I actually don’t know why we created noodles.

The first comment of a Reddit Front Page post and its subsequent thread is really just a total Shit Show cleverly disguised as casual commentary.

The number four is the only number to exist that has the same amount of letters as the value of the number.

My dog probably thinks that trash is just food I put in a bin under the sink.

Losing sight of something means there is an obstacle in the way, so removing the obstacle should regain your vision... (unless it’s dark, in that case take a flashlight) jokes aside, don’t murder anyone.

Religion is designed to make a large group of people not smash each other’s heads off. The existence of opposing worldviews resulted however in more heads being smashed off.

Why do they call it beauty sleep when you wake up looking like a troll?

If you are an only child does that mean you are perpetually third wheeling?

When looking up something for GTA 5 online, if you were take out the games name, you may be flagged by the FBI.

subs would just be thousands of different websites if reddit hadnt been created

Capitalism is about competitivity but since the fall of Communism it has none...

r/TIFU has pretty much turned into r/TIF

The human body raises it's temperature to get rid of disease. What if the Earth is doing the same?

If not for the like button, Facebook would not have worked out. You end up figure how to express yourself to much. Way to awkward.

It would be nice if music players came with a built-in 'skip bonus tracks' option, saving five minutes of silence when you're in the shower.

If phones worked in the shower there would be far fewer shower thoughts.

A engagement ring is just a down payment for a wife, which is then paid in installments over the marriage. I.e. wedding ring, jewelry, flowers....

This sentence has a different meaning every time you change the word you stress: "They didn't say she killed her".

There should be a special “Quit your Job” lottery that runs on Sunday nights for everyone who dreads going to work the next morning.

These days I'm not sure if posts from /r/scriptedasiangifs come out to other subreddits or posts go to /r/scriptedasiangifs after they have been posted to other subreddits.

There should be a hotel rating system based on the quality of their toilet paper

With all the Starwars merchandise, it's a shame we dont have a snack called "Chewies"

Can Michael Jackson say the N word?

Antivaxxers are this centuries version of holocaust deniers.

As an American in my late thirties, I'm starting to think that I may never actually be sent back in time to use my very average intelligence to "invent" all sorts of useful things for medieval Europe.

Is The Flash fast enough to run around the Earth, catch up to himself and fuck himself while he's running around the Earth?

All music players should come with a 'skip bonus tracks and instrumentals' option.

If you have sex with a prostitute and you refuse to pay her, is it rape or shoplifting?

Would there be sufficient time to develop adequate enough technology to allow the entire world to "upload" themselves into a virtual world before the Earth is completely depleted and destroyed?

"They didn't say she killed her" has a different meaning every time you change which word you emphasize when saying it.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are americans, with italian names, practicing japanese martial arts.

Russsian Meeting at Trump Tower finally figure out

Reddit users utilise large amounts of water by thinking so much in the shower.

The streets in my city are almost completely empty during the day and bustling during the night. The heat turned us into vampires.

What if we lived in a big videogame and now some players figured out the /sexchange command to create transgender characters but are now complaining about bugs.

What if God, and all religious texts involving him, are actually misinterpreted representations of our multiverse overlords?

If only I had as many friends as I do Reddit followers... I would have 3 friends

I wonder if anyone reads the terms but not the conditions.

Every Reddit post should have NSFW tag: you're supposed to be working!

I'm older now than the action heroes were when they made the movies I watched as a kid, and I still don't feel like I could fight off terrorists at Nakatomi Plaza.

If each year of a dogs life is equivalent to 7 human years then that means a single day is the same as a full week to a dog.

Nothing says my parents are wealthy like a white dude with dreadlocks

The best three wishes are to use the first wish to know the best wishes for the other two

Does semen have calories?

Axl Rose might be the only person incapable of having a nightmare of performing on stage in his underwear in front of thousands of people.

They should put chips on both sides of the credit cards

Aragorn says that Frodo would turn into a Ringwraith after he got stabbed in FotR if he didn’t get help. It would be adorable to see a tiny, child sized Nazgul riding around with the other ones terrorizing people and such.

As a kid, I thought all of my friends picked out gifts for my birthday when in reality my own Mom was the one picking out gifts for my friends.

I love you too spider man!

When we perfect AI and humanlike synthetic teenagers; will male humans stop seeking human women, that age: and go robotic thus ending our population?

If two twins were born a few minutes apadf ln new years one could be born a year after the first

All the best posts from r/mildlyinteresting are actually extremely interesting

Do crabs want to swim like we want to fly?

If a word was misspelled in the dictionary, would we ever know.

Is it still considered a fly if it can’t fly?

If nothing is impossible, is impossibility possible?

I don't care if it was a solar eclipse, a blood moon just another term for full moon. Once the werewolves turn anyway

The term "eyesight" is redundant. What else are you going to see with, your elbow?

I finally found Jesus. Turns out he’s just some random Latino guy that lives on the east side.

People subscribe to r/Showerthoughts just to read the comments on other people's shower thoughts.

r/AskReddit is basically like all of Reddit going camping and sharing campfire stories.

Only the best songs from a decade represent the music from that decade. Music was never better than it was now, there has always been bad music.

What if George Orwell was a time traveler and wrote 1984 to warn people of what was to come?

One of the best feelings ever is looking at my phone and seeing nothing.

Somewhere on this planet exists a stranger who subscribes to the same subreddits as I do. We both love Frasier and Futurama; we both frequent memeeconomy; we both signed up for C25K but cannot sever the fattening ties with GifRecipes. We are each other's most intimate friends, unbeknownst to us both

Shower thoughts are just used as a way to gain karma so they can post on memes and dankmemes